Thursday, September 13, 2007

Are you prepared for a power outage?

A small hurricane slammed into Louisiana last night, because Louisiana hasn't had enough of them yet. Over 75,000 homes went dark. As I live to the west of Louisiana, we were also watching this little storm tumble its way through the Gulf of Mexico. A popular financial blogger, AllFinancialMatters, was right in the middle of it.

So what, if any, provisions do you keep should you have an extended power outage? When flooding occurs, there is also the possibility of contaminated water. The basic supplies that we keep on hand at all times include:

  • A battery powered flashlight
  • Candles, matches
  • Oil burning lamps and a few containers of oil
  • Small bottles of water (we have about 15 in our fridge that we always refill - we like to drink water)
  • Gallon jugs of water in the garage, we have a few of those
  • Canned foods

These are the supplies we always have. They would tide us over for a few days if we are stuck without water/electricity. This is all we keep on hand, unless there is a major hurricane definitely heading our way. Frankly, I prefer not to subscribe to the "rush to the store and buy a ton of supplies" at the last minute kind of planning.

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