Friday, April 27, 2007

Wells Fargo rocks

I made a huge mistake this week, I forgot about 2 purchases that ended up overdrafting our account.


Fortunately, all purchases at Wells Fargo end up in the "pending" status before clearing the bank. This can take a couple of days. Some people find this annoying, but I love it! I have an overdraft protection to my savings account should I ever overdraft my checking. It is much preferred over nothing, but it still costs me a $10 fee every time I overdraft.

But here's the thing. If I have an overdraft for an item still in "pending" I can do a transfer from my readjustment account into my checking account to cover the difference. Once all those 'pending' purchases go through the transfer covers it - even though I made the transfer the day after the overdraft occurred it still adds it to the total balance. So the overdraft transfers that the bank made just disappear like they never happened. No fees.

One good reason to check your accounts every day, and another hurray for online banking.

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